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The Power of Saying No As an Aspiring Leader

Original price was: UGX 15,000.Current price is: UGX 12,000.

Saying NO can either make or break a leader, depending on the value this decision holds. Are you a leader or an aspiring leader? Are you finding decision-making hard? Do you sometimes say YES when you should have said NO?

Do you ever face the risk of trading integrity for image? Allen .K. Baguma’s leadership series will offer you helpful tips on how to exercise the power of decision-making and yet resist the temptation to compromise that comes with this inevitable responsibility.

Learn how to boldly say NO to whatever limits you from being a leader of integrity as you read bible characters that stood this test and came out strong.

Be Sober, Be Vigilant

Original price was: UGX 15,000.Current price is: UGX 0.

About the Book

 Church, are you in the right place to face Christ today? Do you reflect the will and ways of God? Do you want to mend your relationship with God? Are you spiritually conscience of the strait gate and Life Eternal?

 Be Sober, be Vigilant is a call for the 21st-century church to rise to the lies, traps, busy life, and glitters that make a church lukewarm. 1 Peter 5:8, reminds us to “be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour”.

I am glad you are reading this book, a reminder call for waking up as the Church to be ready to receive our Lord and King Jesus Christ. ARISE church now; Stand in WATCH. Stand in GUARD.


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