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A must Read for the Church Church, are you in the right place to face Christ today? Do you reflect the will and ways of God? Do you want to mend your relationship with God? Are you spiritually conscience of the strait gate and Life Eternal? Be [...]

“Train up the child the way he/she should go when he/she is old they will not depart from it”. Leaders in primary school must be prepared and guided with leadership skills and values. “Understanding Pupils’ Leadership” workbook is the answer. [...]

Are you single, engaged, married, young or old? Do you sometimes struggle with sexual temptations? Do you ever wonder why YES sounds louder than NO? Do you sometimes say YES while you should have said NO? Do you find it easy to walk away from [...]

Touch the Untouched is a master piece that boldly will ignite you to reach IN and OUT and TOUCH. This book will awaken your spirit to embrace universal opportunities in our time.

The year had come to an end. The rains were not coming. People walked cursing the sun-scotched ground. The air was hot, feeling my nostrils with a burning sensation.