
Chapter One Extract of the book” Touch the UnTouched

It Takes you to Touch and be Well.”

“For she said to herself, “If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well” Mathew 9:21

It will take you to touch the untouched.

We all have abilities within ourselves, we all have desires, we all have passions, and we all have dreams. These require us to touch them but more so touch those areas that are untouched in our life. Since childhood, I desired to write, and I dreamt about a writing career. For so many years in school I desired to write, I finished school and I continued desiring to write, five years after university I passionately desired writing but I never got a pen to write even an article.

Alas, one day I just rose up and started to write, I was inspired by a young girl of 9 years heroine Yvonne Namaganda, I wrote about her courage in the newspaper and my emotions were vivid in that article. The next day the article was published, I was excited, and the journey had started. Fifteen days later I had my first manuscript. Now the biggest dilemma was how I was supposed to publish it! Nature is unbelievable it will fuel our desires and it will provide answers to a willing heart. At once I remembered my previous friend who was passionate about books. I didn’t have his telephone contact then because it was a long time since my last contact. But I finally tracked him I told him I wanted my manuscript into a book; he looked at it and said: “it is good Allen but you have to incur the costs of publication, at the moment, we can’t afford to do this for you”. I agreed but the cost was 4 times the amount of money I had in my bank account. Three weeks later I was holding my first book.

The moment I reached out to touch the untouched, nature played its role I had the long-awaited dream busting out in the name of a book; this became a manifestation of the power within to reach the unseen. Many times in life we want to see something before we do something, we want to touch those that we see, but I have realized unless we move to touch the untouched in us then we shall not maximize the potential in each one of us and thus be of value to life, community, and nation. After realizing what I had longed for was possible, I became consumed with this, and less than years down the road I have many books to my name published, many published articles, and still counting.

I have become a seasoned columnist, even helping upcoming writers to write including organizing writing seminars, retreats, and workshops. This journey excited me and I resigned from my job to pursue the untouched; this did not make sense to a lot of people including my family because I was part of the breadwinning team, neither did it make sense to my friends not to look for a job especially after graduating with a Master’s degree in Public Health Leadership. Sometimes it didn’t make sense to me either, but I had made up my mind that the world will pay me for what God had armed me with a pen! This saw the birth of Future Learning Centre which promoted empowerment through publications, training, and consultancy.

However, this has not come on the silver plate I have used a lot of faith to see this come through, I have spent days without a shilling in my pocket, I have seen my shoes getting old without a replacement or dresses getting old, there are days when I am miserably broke as a church mouse. There are times when the tough got going, I wanted to quit and get back into the comfort zone of a safe and secure job, and throw out the baby with the water. Nevertheless, I have a bigger dream now and through thick and thin I will stand. I have totally made up my mind through my personal vision “to inspire and be an inspiration to this generation for the Kingdom of God” to do so.

This I would do through writing, teaching, and mentoring people as one way. With this at the back of my mind ‘‘, I cannot give up just because I have found setbacks along the way’’. I have learned to speak like the three young men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. “ If that is the case, our (my) God whom we serve is able to deliver us (me) from your hand, O King (setback), But if not, let it be known to you, O king that we (I) do not serve your gods, nor will we (I) worship the gold image which you have set up” Daniel 3:17-18.

Starting on this newfound journey has been tough; it’s an adventure and a learning lesson every day. This I have prepared myself because I know where I am going and I have washed the impossible out of my mind. I have stood and will stand. I know it will take me to be part of the change I desire in my community and therefore have I chosen to do this by touching that which is untouched within me.

I have always said that we must be the desire we want to see. For example, if you feel your organization/college does not perform well, just purpose yourself to be the first person to do so and you will be shocked how many others will follow you. What I mean is set the pace, and let others follow. In 1954 Roger Banister was the first human being recorded to have run a mile under four minutes, in the next month 37 others did it. You could stretch yourself to show the way to others. For example, if your community is full of rubbish, pick working tools, dedicate a day, and get you will be surprised how many people will follow you. It’s time for us to stop complaining and become answers to the challenges of our times.

As I write this book Touch the UnTouched, I am writing with a longing in my heart for many people especially those with dreams, who have fear to reach out, and touch the untouched.

Each of us, we have great potential, we have God-given skills, which we can tap to make the world a better place. We have potential which can earn us millions because we are the only ones with that gift. The good news is that you could be educated in your potential or better still you can be the self-educator through the various trial and errors which you can best start on now. I have seen people excel in various professions without necessarily studying them. All they needed is to become anchors of their destiny, the future they rightly wanted by working on it day by day.

Can you imagine the Wright brothers who went against the law of gravity? These guys were not educated in euro-engineering but they had the eyes to see what is not seen, the ability to touch the untouched, and the courage to do something. It takes someone to see the invisible and make it visible. That’s what we all need. This book is in response to the abundance mentality project which is aimed at inspiring people to be part of the answer to the challenges we face in our communities. The abundance project is about inspiring people to reach out and utilize their dreams, talents, and passions.

Among the most famous speeches ever read is “I have a dream” by Martin Luther King,  ( King is not alive but we saw that dream come true through the 44th President of America Barrack Obama. It took King and a few others to touch the untouched in America to see the unseen, to feel unfelt, to believe what nobody had ever believed, and to dream that all men are equal. Similarly, when I moved my eyes from my personal needs to involving others everything changed for me, I developed a hunger to be part of the answer, and this hunger would from a job, I realized then that making a living is important however making a life is indispensable and a must.

This journey has not been in isolation I have had people to inspire me; I have had others believe in me, and I have had many challenges to prepare me, and importantly push me; into the unknown. To all, I am grateful but most importantly the Word and Spirit of the Lord that has sustained me and still does. I have come to realize that this is not for me alone; rather it’s in every soul to reach out and touch the unseen. As the people in this generation with the challenges and opportunities in our times, it’s still for us to be part of the answer to meet them head-on. With new emergencies and new challenges before us, it’s a call for new ideas and new responses which we as the present generation must provide.

Many times we look for answers elsewhere but we still have to look within ourselves to offer what we have at the moment. Our generation is in dire need of each of us doing our role to make our communities and nations better places to live in; the only question is, will you avail yourself?. We have to work as the body analogy, not be filled with anything not even with the money the hand does a special role, but so do the eyes, legs, stomach, and hair but together they accomplish a task. If we realized our potential then we would each do our role and together we accomplish greatly.

This book is about awakening the sleeping giant in you, it will help you realize that it takes you to reach out. Some might wonder with all the available inspiration books, do we need another one! YES, we need to avail more writers who will believe with this addition if ears will listen and if, you listen to the voice speaking to you right now don’t hesitate to reach out and touch.

©Allen K Baguma 2022

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The pains of a writer



Allen is a training developer and author with over 18 years of experience designing blended learning solutions, and more than 10 years of experience developing self-paced learning and leader materials for instructor-led training. Allen also has extensive experience in training programs, developing creative solutions, mentoring, and on-job support in the areas of staff wellness training, organizational development, leadership, governance, management, financial literacy, and People management skills. She applies creativity, thorough understanding of the needs of her clients, and focuses on real-world goals.

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