#Covid 19
Keeping Afloat Amidst Uncertainties of the Current World

In this issue I want us to open up the cans of worms and see how we can help our business thrive; careers develop and families survive in the current economic challenges facing us. Let’s look at some ten keys.

  1. Keep your head raised, stay afloat. Every day we wake up because we are assured of one thing, there is a better tomorrow. Man thrives on hope for the desired future. Let’s face it, we have hope that through our work we shall have food on our tables, our children will go to school, we can build that dream house, we can build business empires, etc. Sometimes the challenges of life may stand in our desired future and they are real. They deeply hurt us emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Very True, I agree entirely. But amidst all this, we can keep our heads raised and stay afloat by seeing that the future is bright. When we feel a brighter future, we can always work ourselves out of the current scenario.
  2. Redefine your purpose, why you must be in that enterprise, come rain or shine. Have you ever asked why your business must continue apart from giving you food and paying your bills? Why must your enterprise be here (what is the business ideology/ what is the social problem you are addressing)? Ventures that have outlived for generations have focused more, on serving others than just the owner. Even when challenges are multitude they persist. Do such ventures have a talking heart? Ask yourself what is the heart of my business? If my business closed today what would be the impact?
  3. When you find your heart in that venture, you have found your uniqueness, your competitive edge. Now the rest lies on you, front it, share it. Write about it, share it if need be; put it in form of a concept paper, a proposal, a business plan…. Show the big picture but start small. Four years ago, I found my heart after so many years of trying all things and succeeding at none. I noted that I love writing and teaching, a year later I began a company based on my heart, I am not richer now, but I am stronger. I have touched more people than I ever did all my past 7years. I am more determined, focused, and sure of my destiny. I found my true self and this gives me income and others.
  4. See the end but work towards it daily. We all have great dreams, good. We all desire to have a great life, wonderful. Our lives are a step-by-step process, however long the night might be, surely morning comes. We must live our future by working on it daily just as you build a house, block by block. Ancient wisdom says; one by one makes a bundle.
  5. Cultivate an extra daily in your venture. If you have been doing two, things daily, try to do four in your work. For example, if you have been saying thank you in the meetings only to your workers, try finding them on their table and say thank you. If you have been seeing 5 customers a day, try to look out for an extra3. If you have been opening at 9 am and closing at 6 pm try opening an hour earlier and closing an hour later, if you have been making ten necklace beads a day, try 14 a day. Cultivate an extra mindset. Many times we do average work in our own business, but we expect them to thrive and not survive!!!!
  6. Check your financial status, find the loopholes and close them. If we manage the little we have, we can grow it into the bigger one we desire. Finances in business seem sacred especially for us small business people, only the boss knows. We misuse our own resources. Ask yourself, who else knows my finances? How much do I make daily/monthly? Do I have records anyway? How much do I pay myself? How many times do I steal from my business? (take money but you don’t account for it) How often do I look critically into my finances? Many times, for us in the profit-making enterprises, we seem to use ‘our’ money anyway since we are the accounting officers, treasures, and directors? If we are to build professional enterprises for this generation and the future, we must learn the basic skills in financial management and accountability! Take a short course in this area, call someone to help you with your records monthly, find a mentor, someone who can help you in this, etc do something about your finances.
  7. Find a supporting network, join it. There is power in belonging, when you know that you are not alone, this increases our momentum. In networks you will get information, you will be empowered, you will find friends, you can access resources that probably you could not access alone. I have now joined different women groups in business and other social networks, the power is amazing. For example, we have a women’s, savings group in Kyebando, through this I have been able to raise capital that alone I was not able to raise and it’s helping my business grow. In Uganda Network Women Entrepreneur I have got a lot of information, business opportunities, and so many other markets. If you don’t have any group, join one today.
  8. Whenever you serve, touch the hearts of the people. Let your enterprise serve the hearts of people. Sometimes, we are interested in making money, forgetting the very rule of business development, sell me today and tomorrow. Every time I go to the shop or salon, I go to buy goods but also a person. When I feel disrespected or undervalued, I normally do not return to that shop. What about you? Ask yourself why do I go to that saloon all the time?
  9. Always remember that Rome was not built in one day. Building enterprises is not a one-day effort, it takes a time period. Take heart too, you have a destiny, an empire to build, a social change you want to address. If you do what you do well today and also cultivate an extra daily, manage your finances well, stay focused, take one step at a time, etc. You will get there, surely morning will come.
  10. Don’t fear to ask for help, even from God. Where we are weak other people are strong, where we have failed others have crossed that bridge. Let’s not fear to reach out our arms to be helped. Find help; use it to grow each other. A Tanzanian proverb says: “To be without a friend is to be poor indeed” Send in your fear, your weakness, or bridge that you need to cross. I do believe that together we can achieve more. And above all take your fears to God, heaven is open before us, and God is the giver of wisdom, favor, and wealth.


Allen Baguma K

Allen is a training developer and author with over 18 years of experience designing blended learning solutions, and more than 10 years of experience developing self-paced learning and leader materials for instructor-led training. Allen also has extensive experience in training programs, developing creative solutions, mentoring, and on-job support in the areas of staff wellness training, organizational development, leadership, governance, management, financial literacy, and People management skills. She applies creativity, thorough understanding of the needs of her clients, and focuses on real-world goals.

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