Few of us would want to deny the sheer importance of “Say No To Sexual Temptation” in this age and era of self-gratification. On the other hand, there may be no other area in which we feel so inadequate and in need of constant reminders to say NO to the ever-pressing pressures of sexual temptation.
A person who reads this book carefully, whether married or not, will find out that he or she cannot remain the same without changing his/her attitude towards the routine pull to satisfy the sexual temptations. It is said that “the recalcitrant part will hurt itself, hurt other parts of the machine and could break down the whole system.” Anything that has use can be misused. A manufacturer determines the best use and right use of his product. Similarly, God determines the right use of sexuality. The Bible, His manual describes the rightful use of our sexuality, and Allen’s book explains in the simplest way possible the way of God’s manual – The BIBLE, on saying No to Sexual Temptation.
A collection of quotes from the book Say No To Sexual Temptation are here…
- “If this generation is to be saved, we must rise up and teach the young people how to fight sexual promiscuity promoted as cool.”
- “Sex is a whole package which leaves you in Unity with the Body, Soul, and Spirit.”
- “Our strengths and purposes are not entirely dependent on how much we acquire for ourselves (net-worth) but what we stand for (values), who we are (character), and are yet to be (potential).”
- “Don’t follow feelings, they lie. Forget peer pressure, it is vain. Use your sex sense.”
- “Every temptation is an opportunity to rise above the occasion.”
- “Choose today to go R.E.D, Reliable, Exceptional, and Dependable.”
- “Don’t negotiate with the lies of the devil; he has been a liar from the very beginning and he is not about to stop with you. Don’t involve in competitions where you have no chance of winning rather run for your dear life.”
- “We are often more willing to let ourselves down than we are to disappoint those who are looking up to us and as a result, we hesitate to say NO in crucial authentic matters we ought to.”
- “So have this in mind whatever look, size, and colour you are is the image of God.”
- “Searching for happiness in the tangible things is not only suicidal, its grave stupidity. In Christ alone is joy and happiness. Don’t be fooled.”
- “The world throws on us a lot of demands such that even if we said YES to it all, it will never stop demanding more from us.”
- “God in His Infinite wisdom set up institutions such as a family, marriage, and church among others in which we can live in harmony and contentment. Then the evil one destroys these institutions creating havoc, anger, discontentment, and pain. Hold fast on to the former.”
- The world today seems to glorify the sexually promiscuous…man’s standards many times is to glorify self. What a pity?
- The devil roams about looking for those to add to his hell list. Don’t stand in his way, he will take you along.
- “Every child is a love gift from God, abortion is never the answer.”
- “We can fly as an eagle, only if we are willing to pay the price.”
- “When we learn to give up that is when we get up.”
- “Entrust your sexual life to the creator of sex, God. Let Him define your Sexuality.”
- “Know the truth and stand for it.”
- “Avoid the images of others; start to live the life you have been created for.”
- “If anybody says you are beautiful; of course you are. They are only stating a default fact. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s own image.”
- “Whatever the case you are divine, first-class and beautiful, handsome and engraved in the very image of God. Now take your position as a child of God.”
© Allen K Baguma
PICK YOUR BOOK HERE…Say No To Sexual Temptation