“Train up a child the way he/she should go and when he/she is old he/she not depart from it”
The Good Book; The Bible states in Proverbs 22:6.
‘‘Why does the school give us leadership roles without giving us a leadership guide manual?’’ Simon a primary seven pupil asked his fellow friends. I thought about this question and in an attempt to figure out the answer, I contacted certain school patrons but they could not give an answer. This book is therefore a response to Simon’s cry and so many other leaders at primary school level.
Many times when we think of leadership it sounds as if it is only for adults and is of little value to children. This is justified by many leadership books written specifically for adults. Little focus is paid on children’s
leadership. However, children also face challenges of leading others early in their life and within their peers. They start to exercise this potential through the various positions and roles given to them as leaders such as
prefects, class monitors, club leaders, etc.
Pupils are children between the ages of 4-16 years. Young people need to be part of the change process right within their schools and communities early as possible. It’s upon this that the author realizes that all school going children need to understand leadership other than being left to take chances in future.
It is the role of the elders to teach and inspire children about development and progress issues, responsibility,
democracy, social fairness, justice, modern issues, etc starting within their school communities. It is also the role of the elders to teach children to be transparent, honest, trustworthy, and generally better people
ready to serve others and have a sense of social duty/responsibility.
In addition, pupils can be taught early about appreciating authority and power and its proper use that involves sacrifice, obedience, ability to listen, etc. This means imparting in the children an attitude of loving to serve than being served.
In the past, parents and community members used to prepare children in all aspects of life such as being a parent, being a wife/husband, being a father/mother, issues about sex and sexuality, leadership, talent identification, and development etc as early as possible. However it’s unfortunate that this good practice is fading away leaving bad effects on our societies. Children grow up without clearly defined lives and roles.
‘‘Emmiti emito gye gigumiza ekibira’’ A luganda saying literally meaning ‘‘Young trees are the ones that
make a forest firm”
Young people are a rock on which democracy and success can grow. This is best achieved through early guiding and training which enables them take bigger responsibilities in the future.
The fireplace acted as the classroom but gone are those days thus, new ways have to be developed in that
regard. This book Understanding Pupils Leadership is handy to introduce leadership ideas to young people in an organized manner in order to encourage and inspire their interest to be more useful in their role.
Understanding Pupils Leadership is a workbook with simple language, illustrations, and pictures to make
reading easy and fun. It is my hope that the pupils’ teachers, patrons, and parents will take the initiative to go through this workbook with the pupils’ leaders. Together we can prepare generational leaders.
This is an extract from the book Understanding Pupils Leadership and a snapshot of the table of content is here…
As the learners advance over the years, their leadership pathway envelopes into the need to understand the dynamics and of students leadership. This book below demystifies some of the opportunities and challenges #students leaders face as they advance in their leadership journey.
You can read the A quick Review of the book… Understanding Student Leadership
Or Pick a copy here… Understanding Student Leadership

The core of leadership development is tested with the power of saying NO. This is the integrity and values the leader will stand on overtime. The book, The Power of Saying No As an Aspiring Leader will direct every aspiring leader to learn, use and reuse the power in a NO.
You can pick a quick review here…Preface from the book: The Power of Saying No as an Aspiring Leader
You can also pick your copy here…The Power of Saying No As an Aspiring Leader
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