The tide has come.
Africa is shedding its old image. I have written before and I will write again. The continent immerse with opportunities and potential, with a young and dynamic population, abundant natural resources, and new innovations driving its growth. These factors and more will and are driving Africa to become the future of the global economy. Africa is a continent on the rise,- Africa is the future!
Despite its many treasures, Africa is often misunderstood and underestimated. This narrative cannot remain the same. It’s challenged to change by the new tide. Read The future is Africa, a Continent on the Rise. and Reclaiming the Narrative: Reshaping Africa’s Identity
Let’s get up-close as we shed light on this amazing continent. From record-breaking nature to ground-breaking technological innovations, these facts are sure to surprise and inspire you to be part of changing the narrative of Africa. So buckle up and get ready to learn more about the many wonders of Africa!
The tide has come.
Despite its many treasures, Africa is often misunderstood and underestimated. This narrative cannot remain the same. It’s challenged to change by the new tide.
Let’s get up-close as we shed light on this amazing continent. From record-breaking nature to ground-breaking technological innovations, these facts are sure to surprise and inspire you to be part of changing the narrative of Africa. So buckle up and get ready to learn more about the many wonders of Africa!
Africa is growing in numbers

It’s now a known fact that Africa is a continent for people with its people. Numbers don’t lie. As Africa increases in population, its increasing workforce, consuming base and diverse talents needed for its own growth.
l Africa is the world’s second-largest continent in terms of both land area (after Asia) with a population that is getting over 1.3 billion people. That is massive human resource both in consumption, labour force, etc.
l The continent is blessed with the youngest population of any continent with 60% of its population under the age of 25. This, off-course, presents both a challenge and an opportunity for economic growth and development.
Africa is revolving
Yea Africa is making its mark in innovation and production, stirring an economic revolution for its economies.
l The supersonic speed which Africa economies are growing is outstanding. The continent has the world’s fastest-growing economies, with several countries recording growth rates of over 6% in recent years like Ghana, Rwanda, Ethiopia, etc.
l We are witnessing Africa leading the way in adopting mobile technology, with over 400 million smart-phone users and innovative mobile applications transforming industries from agriculture to healthcare
l It’s now or never. Africa is making its mark as a continent hub for innovation and entrepreneurship, with several start-up incubators and tech-hubs popping up across the continent, including mobile banking, e-learning, and renewable energy.
Africa is collaborating
Africa’s strength is in its ability to unite in its diversity. Unity is effective power, effective influence and effective positioning in trade balance. The tide is indeed changing.
l African countries are increasingly collaborating with each other and with international partners to address common challenges and seize opportunities, such as through the African Union, the African Development Bank, trade blocks, and other regional blocks and organizations.
l The world is witnessing the emergence of an iconic and largest trade integration, the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which aims to increase intra-African trade and promote economic growth across the continent.
Africa is learning
As the population grows for Africa, more and more of its people are learning skills for the present and future needs of the continent and beyond.
l Most African countries are making significant progress in improving access to quality education, with enrolment rates increasing at all levels from primary to tertiary education
Africa is still intact with natural habitants
The blessing that mother earth gave Africa cannot be under-estimated. Many have vandalised and vulgarised the natural wealth of Africa, but everyday Africa discovers more and more. Africa’s wealth is still intact.
l Should I say that Africa is home to the world’s finest wildlife diversity in its natural state? Yes, I can. It’s a known fact. Africa is home to unique wildlife, including the “Big Five” animals (lion, leopard, elephant, rhino, and buffalo) and the endangered mountain gorillas in the forests of East and Central Africa. A Case of Uganda —-Read here…Discover the Magic of Uganda the Pearl of Africa
l It’s home to the world’s largest scorching desert, the Sahara Desert, amazing beautiful beaches in Zanzibar, Seychelles, and Mauritius
l The abundant minerals of Africa have been its blessing and curse. The continent has the largest reserves of precious metals and minerals in the world, with above 50% of the world’s gold reserves found in Africa, as well as other valuable minerals such as diamonds, copper, and uranium.
l The world’s oldest and most significant archaeological sites, such as the Great Pyramids of Egypt and the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela, Ethiopia, are home in Africa
Africa is diverse and beautiful
l Africa is so diverse and unique in history, in language, in norms and values, in beliefs and deity, in traditions and customs. These form the basis of a land so similar yet so different.
l Africa has a rich cultural heritage, with over 2,000 different languages spoken across the continent, and a wealth of art, music, and literature that has influenced cultures around the world.
Africa still has challenges and untapped potential
l Africa still has many challenges, missed opportunities, and untapped potential. That is a fact. The wars, diseases, poverty, unemployment, corruption, neo-colonialism among others are hindering progress for Africa. Yet, they are diminishing Africa. It’s a continent that is challenged to face its future with a strategic position, and Africa will one day tell its story of liberation.
l Yea, it’s true that despite Africa being rich in natural resources, many African countries still face significant economic challenges, including high levels of poverty and unemployment
l Africa, with its potential to become the world’s largest food producer, with over 60% of the world’s arable land, still faces malnutrition, hunger and food shortages.
But Africa is changing the narrative
Africa is making progress. The journey may not be easy, but it’s facing up to the challenges that are as diverse as Africa itself.

l African women are among the most entrepreneurial in the world, they are changing the landscape, with over 40% of women in sub-Saharan Africa engaged in some form of business activity.
l Africa has made significant progress in the fight against diseases like malaria and HIV/AIDS, life -expectancy, maternal and infant mortality, public health care among others, with many countries achieving impressive reductions in traditional killer disease prevalence.
l Africa has a vibrant entertainment industry, for example, the film industry Nollywood in Nigeria producing more movies than Hollywood each year
l The good news is that Africa has a growing middle class, with millions of people joining the ranks of the continent’s consumers each year.
l Africa is increasingly becoming a destination for international tourists, with countries like South Africa, Morocco, and Egypt attracting millions of visitors each year
Africa has been battered, trodden, stolen, torn apart, and destabilised over centuries. Yet it emerges strong as a continent on the move. It’s a continent to reckon with. As a writer, there is so much I can write about Africa’s potential and future. Indeed, Africa is in motion, yea, a continent on the rise- Africa is the future!
Cover photo credit: Image by Kate from Pixabay
And all the photos within the article are linked to the sources…
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Africa, the continent that is one and yet diverse - AllenBaguma
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