
Uganda passes the Anti-Homosexuality Act and America goes nuts…

So much hype and hype on a Uganda law. WHY? WHY? WHY. AFRICA is not yet a BIG MAN in the Clan. Africa must grow up and Man up.  If Africa does not arise to solve its problems as soon as yesterday, the world will forever take Africa as a boy in the clan. This is my urgent call to Africa to Rise and Transcend.

Dear Fellow Africans,

As the sun sets on the vast continent that cradles our hopes, dreams, and resilience, a resounding call echoes through the air. It is a call that reverberates with urgency, a plea that begs us to awaken from the slumber of stagnation and seize our destiny. Africa, the time has come for us to rise as one, for if we do not act as swiftly as yesterday, we risk being forever perceived as a mere boy within the global clan.

Far too long, the weight of misconceptions has burdened Africa. Tales of struggle, poverty, and conflict have often overshadowed our vibrant lands, rich cultures, and diverse people. But we must rise above these narratives and reclaim our narrative with determination and resolve the true potential that lies within our minds and our hearts.

The world awaits our emergence, yearning to witness Africa’s transformation from a passive observer to an active protagonist. We must showcase our entrepreneurial spirit, harness our natural resources sustainably, and promote inclusive economic growth that uplifts every individual, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or social status.

Education, too, holds the key to our liberation, investing in the minds of our young ones; nurturing a generation of critical thinkers and visionary leaders; that will navigate the complexities of the world and take centre stage as a beacon of enlightenment and progress.

As Africans, we must embrace our diversity and fostering intercontinental collaboration that we can overcome the obstacles that lie before us and create a synergy that propels us forward as a united force, respected and admired by the big clan.

The hour is upon us, dear compatriots. We cannot afford to dwell in the shadows of missed opportunities or surrender to the weight of past shortcomings. WE must and ought to rally together, inspired by the resilience of our ancestors, and embark on a journey that redefines Africa’s place.

When Africa rises to solve its problems, as a man in the Clan, as architects of its own destiny, as the authors of a new narrative that celebrates Africa’s triumphs, accomplishments, and unwavering spirit. Then shall Africa arise in joy and honour.

So, let us arise, Africa, with unwavering determination, innovation, and unity. Let us forge a path that leaves an indelible mark on history—a path where Africa stands tall, esteemed, and respected by the world.

The time is now. Together, we shall prevail.

With hope and solidarity,

Allen K. Baguma

Reclaiming the Narrative: Reshaping Africa’s Identity

The future is Africa, a Continent on the Rise

Allen is a training developer and author with over 18 years of experience designing blended learning solutions, and more than 10 years of experience developing self-paced learning and leader materials for instructor-led training. Allen also has extensive experience in training programs, developing creative solutions, mentoring, and on-job support in the areas of staff wellness training, organizational development, leadership, governance, management, financial literacy, and People management skills. She applies creativity, thorough understanding of the needs of her clients, and focuses on real-world goals.

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