get better

Life is a paradox filled with energy, vigor, failure, tiredness, and achievements.

As a writer, I sometimes have no words to write, I can sit looking at my computer composing phrases and paraphrasing words until I say not now probably another day!  It’s at such points when I listen not to myself that I write the best pieces ever.  I have written my favorite books at such points when I feel low and hardened up; BUT when I make an extra touch, I make a miracle. I have been productive when I make an extra effort.

Life is a paradox filled with energy, vigor, failure, tiredness, and achievements. The life of Jesus Christ reflected this paradox, it was filled with a lot of energy, success stories, courage, love, and honor, and then the true hour came…going to the cross. He humbly, boldly, and fearfully embraced those extra hours of his earthly life. At any point in our lives we come face to face with our cross, how we deal with that hour creates or breaks us. That extra hour and touch!

Is it possible that we can cultivate an extra daily? Is it possible that you can do more than you do daily? Is it possible that you can love one more person daily? Is it possible that fathers can spend one more hour daily with their children? At that point when we are breaking can we offer more? When you are tired when you are broke when you are lonely when you are poor when you have given up when you have lost…. At that point when everybody says we can’t, can you say I can? Our communities are yearning for extra love, extra saves,  extra hope, extra touch, extra giving, extra hand, extra care, etc just a little extra can make our nation blossom.

I love the saying from Robert Holmes; he said

“Big business is only small business with an extra nought on the end

There is a lot of power in living an extra life, our lives reflecting an extra is never ordinary, it is not average. I believe God created us for that extra. This platform is a reflection of an extra platform bringing the marketplace with the truth about the value of human life, health, marriages, family, economic development, leadership, and all issues that affect our society today”. Imagine, if we say there is already enough! Would you be reading this today?


When I had just become self-employed, I used to put extra time and extra thought into writing. Since I had fewer demands from clients, so I would put in extra time in writing, today the manuscripts I wrote, I am now publishing. some books include: Touch the UnTouched, Say No To Sexual Temptation, Understanding Pupils Leadership among others.  In fact, since then I have not written any new manuscripts. It is important never to miss that extra in our life. We can achieve much through adding just an extra.


We must purposely cultivate a campaign dubbed ‘extra daily’ what extra can I do more today for my nation, my family, my community, my God, whatever you can, do it. We normally work 8 hours, imagine if we added 2 extra hours in our work. We normally sleep 8 hours, if we slept 2 hours less, then we can add the extra 2 to idea generation. There is an ancient wisdom that says “one plus one makes a bundle” how very true this is. Imagine if we can spend extra time with God, we can become better Christians., we spend extra time with our children we make them better people, we spend more quality time at our work, we become productive and valuable.


Did you know that as a worker if you only added in extra effort and time, you would surely earn your promotion! For business people, E Joseph Cossman says it all

Do not quit! Hundreds of times I have watched people throw in the towel at the one-yard line while someone else comes along and makes a fortune by just going that extra yard

while for students that extra lessons you will undertake will make you a success in your academics. Whoever you are, extra touch pays, but it pains. This is because you pay more than usual. Living an extra has a cost attached to it; the cost depends on the extra you make. When we choose to live an extra life, we choose to offer something more; it could be time, energy, money but whatever it is be willing to pay it.


Uganda is an epitome of beauty from the west, to the east, north, and south, it is beautiful, the natural greenness amazingly beautiful, the streams of waters flowing to the valleys, hills protruding as the noon shadow, and cultures that are amazingly pure and real. However amidst this plenty and beauty lies sticking poverty, hopelessness, lack, and despair. This bothers my mind, and I am always asking why? Recently I started noticing that we make ourselves comfortable in uncomfortable situations. We hide and remain in our comfort zone. We work averagely, just enough.


Let us be men and women who can give/make an extra touch for it, leaders who can care more for its people, shepherds who will give an extra for their sheep, parents who will make extra effort for their family, children who will make an extra effort in their studies, workers who will put an extra effort in their work, Christians who are winning an extra soul for Christ, etc. I am convinced this can become a turning point for this country, our families, and our communities.

We need extraordinary men and women rising up to take the different mantles. I am a believer we can all start to cultivate an extra in our lives, whatever your destiny, whatever your touch, whatever your calling, choose to be an extra person daily and you will be shocked at the amazing effects of simple but powerful life-changing virtue in our lives.

Allen. K. Baguma

Google: http://AllenBaguma

Allen is a training developer and author with over 18 years of experience designing blended learning solutions, and more than 10 years of experience developing self-paced learning and leader materials for instructor-led training. Allen also has extensive experience in training programs, developing creative solutions, mentoring, and on-job support in the areas of staff wellness training, organizational development, leadership, governance, management, financial literacy, and People management skills. She applies creativity, thorough understanding of the needs of her clients, and focuses on real-world goals.

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