i did

Now or Never, Keep Hope Alive

Recently, I was in a business meeting, where I sat next to a textile businessman. He looked worried and sat uncomfortably throughout the meeting, sending endless messages.  After the meeting, I asked him if everything was ok;

“My dear friend, nothing is ok,” he said

“I am sorry, do you want to share it” I inquired. He nodded his head in agreement.

“You know, Allen the year is running quickly  …”

“Yes, is that a problem?” I replied wondering

 “You know last two years, have been terrible for me, my business has been on diminishing returns, I planned so much, I have done so little. I am sure next year is going to be even harder” he was nervously biting his nails.

“Why do you say so?” I asked, looking in his eyes. I could feel his fear, anger, hopelessness, and limitations.

“Science says the higher we go the cooler it becomes, I am worried about the next season. Just see what is happening, the inflation, uncertainty, intrigue and wars, diseases, chaos, and increase in population …” on and on he continued and I was getting amused. I think my eyes showed my surprise because he quickly continued.

“I am not joking, read our newspapers or switch radio, TV, local and international news. The world is heading towards a doomsday starting with each of us” he lamented.

I was amazed at how many negative toxins, my friend was having. He was like a nuclear bomb full of right things for the wrong purpose. It was a sincere conversation, which I am getting to hear from many people I interact with daily.

True as that may sound, it’s not the truth. There is light at the end of every tunnel and I want to concentrate on the light as I walk through the darkest tunnel.


Why do I say so?

Life per se just like a business has its own problems. Nevertheless, the opportunities in life are amazing. But how I see each side depends on which side of the bed I wake up which differs daily. But choose to concentrate on the daily milestones you can achieve while learning lessons on the way including the limiting factors too.


As humans, we thrive and survive on Hope. Hope that everything will be better tomorrow. It has an ingredient that of faith, vision, and aspired destiny. hope gives us the stamina to survive, dream, and feel. It gives us the heart to believe. It gives us the blood to flow towards our destiny. Hope is life as Anil Ambani says;

It is hope in this wider sense which enabled my father to build, from scratch, one of India’s largest modern enterprises. His was an undertaking powered by hard work, initiative, self-belief but, above all else, the capacity, as he would often say, “to dream with your eyes wide open”.


As we hold onto life, let us HOPE in a BIGGER HOPE found only in CHRIST JESUS, the solid rock of ages in this Voyage. Amen.


Allen. K.Baguma


Touch the UnTouched

Confront the Lions in your life

Keeping Afloat Amidst Uncertainties of the Current World



Allen is a training developer and author with over 18 years of experience designing blended learning solutions, and more than 10 years of experience developing self-paced learning and leader materials for instructor-led training. Allen also has extensive experience in training programs, developing creative solutions, mentoring, and on-job support in the areas of staff wellness training, organizational development, leadership, governance, management, financial literacy, and People management skills. She applies creativity, thorough understanding of the needs of her clients, and focuses on real-world goals.

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