Tags: #AllenBaguma



Most times when I don’t understand life, I write, when I am burdened, I write, when I have questions I write. I write my soul; I write to heal my soul. Even when I am happy, excited, I write. In 2012, I was in a dilemma; I was asking myself a lot of questions; I […]


Digital Literacy: Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Essential Skills

“When digital transformation is done right, it’s like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, but when done wrong, all you have is a really fast caterpillar.” — George Westerman Our world today everyday raptures with new technology. We are continually becoming more and more interconnected with the digital space and opportunities. Human interactions have become more […]


The Future of Writing

The Pen and Paper Phenomena It’s amazing how writing is changing every day. The pen and paper phenomena is taking on new shape, style, techniques, and technology is both enhancing and inhibiting writing creativity. The power of a written word is slowly diminishing by the power of auto-generated and revolutionised technology. The writer today has […]

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